Who doesnt love to plan a party??? Picking a Theme is the hardest part. Some years the theme is just obvious and other years we struggle. As I start to toss around ideas for Miss Belle's 2nd birthday I figured I would take a look back at her first birthday.
Now when the child is turning one more often then not you have full control over the theme. Now thats not always the case but with Bella, that was exactly my luck. I tossed around a few ideas but I kept coming back to one... OWL's. I started looking around and I found that Birthday express had a cute "Look Whoo's one" themed set. I was sold.
Now let the creativity begin. I started with the pre made item from Birthday Express. I ordered the typical napkins, plates and they had cute little tumblers that I had to pick up as well. Throw in a few balloons and hit the check out button. Next I just had to crochet her a hat that matched her theme. I found a super cute pattern on a blog and had to try it out. Although I did make some alterations to the pattern you can find the original Pattern on daisy cottage designs if you want to give it a try.
Here is what my finished hat looked like.
With the hat complete I threw it on my daughter and took a few snap shots of her in the back yard and started to design her invite. I wanted that as the main picture but I also wanted her picture from us leaving the hospital one in a tutu dress we made her and one from a family photo session with Avery Grace Photography. That did not work out so well. Thankfully I have amazingly talented friends. My friend Erika (who is 3000 miles away) jumped in and offered to put one together for me. All I had to do was send her the party info and the pictures . Now if that wasn't awesome enough she had just given birth to a beautiful baby girl yet she had the time to do this for me, I couldn't have been more grateful.

Here was the amazing invite she made that was the perfect match to our theme.
Now I printed them on on the computer on 5X7 photo paper and off it went in the mail.
Next on the planning list was her one year cake smash and portrait session with the AMAZING Avery Grace Photography out of Dayville CT. Now anyone who knows me know I have become a little obsessed with her work and I book a session when ever I can. Any excuse for pictures done by her and I'm there. If you are local you have to check her out!!!
So with my photo session booked I needed an out fit. I made a tutu easy enough but the shirt was another store. I got to looking around and I found one in the Etsy shop AllRibbonedOut that had an owl that matched the theme perfectly. Only problem was it had the kids name on it and I didn't want one with her name on it. So I emailed the shop owner and she was able to make me a custom shirt with my theme "Look whoo's One" in place of her name. It was perfect! So I baked and decorated a giant cupcake and off we went. Here are a few of my favorite Pictures from the photo shoot.
The fun inside owl themed set up
Next we moved out side to snap a few pictures and make a huge mess

Here is the picture she took of the cake I made
Let the smashing begin
So proud of the mess she made
I was hand washing that Tutu I made for days trying to get all the cake out so she could wear it again on her birthday. Boy did she do a good job of hiding it in there!
With that all done it was time to work out a few details. I made some water bottle labels and thank you tags. Last I had to design and make her cake with the help of my mother in law and sister in law. I didn't go too crazy with this party seeing as how she was just turning one and I was still in the throws of morning sickness but it was an amazing day and tons of fun. Here are a few snap shots of the party itself.
Here is her cake and smash cake set up on the table
water bottles with the lables I designed. I alternated them showing the front and the back. The thank you cards read: Thanks for making my 1st birthday a real HOOT Love Isabella.
The tumbler party favors for each of the kids
Napkin wraps
We started the party in the tutu
But had to lose the tutu so we could bounce
Getting ready for cake
Her super cure Owl clip also from the same Etsy shop I got her shirt
Bella with her cake before we cut it and served it to the guest
She wasn't sure what to make of the candle and the singing
Happy Birthday Miss Belle's
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